Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Living in Hoskins

We are getting settled in here as well as we can with two suitcases. We look forward to when our crate arrives. The house that we are currently in is above the Supply store and can be rather noisy (not the best house to have a baby in). We will move in June into Fiona's house (a friend who lives on the same base) which is really nice. Fiona is going home in March as she is engaged.

They have a few house hold things that they want to get rid of and it will be good to as we will buy them and we won't have to move them. It is a nice house I will have to post some photos when I get some. Wooden Floors.

The Humidity is something to get used to having two cold showers a day. The sweat just drips off you. Yesterday I met a few local PNG'ers and we had tea with one family who comes from the ATA tribe which is a long way from here up a mountain. They catch a PMV (People Moving Vehicle) and then it is a 9 hour hike up a mountain to their village in all it takes them about 6 hours to get here to Hoskins base. They are lovely family they have two kids. Kaiko is the main Bible teacher there. Paul and Linda McIwain were the missionaries there and they left a while ago as they have a fully functioning church. They are now reaching out to 9 neighboring villages. I also met another guy who Johnathan knew his name is Nick (picture to the left with his wife Bridgitte) and he teaches (God's word) 7 days a week. (pic below is Mum and Dad - Trevor and Estelle Burns with Kaiko and his wife Palava)

I am slowly getting used to all the bites over me. They like me. I was bitten by a fire ant yesterday and they are painful. We are waiting for a couple who are coming from the states who will be doing the orientation with us. I have picked up a few words of pidgin and Johnathan has picked up the language really well at least he can carry a conversation.

Today Malachi is 10 months old, weighs 10kg and has been on 10 plane flights since he was born. He doesn't like the food here so please pray that he will get used to it soon. It will be nice when he gets some teeth and can chew more food. He is now crawling and getting around very fast. He has started pulling himself up on furniture. He wants to walk but doesn't have the balance down yet. He loves the national kids here, the adults he is a little wary of though. I used the twin tub washing machine the day before yesterday to wash our clothes first I had to get direction on how to use it and then it nearly shredded my clothes so now I am going to use Estelle's automatic.

I have managed to buy a few veggies and fruit from the ladies under the mango tree. We don't need to buy bananas and Pineapples as they grow them here on base.

Well that is all for now.

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