Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tagged by Amanda

Amanda in Armadale is curious to see my answers so here goes:

1. What time is it? 7:24am
2. What is your full name? If I said you'd know too much information
3. What are you most afraid of? Spiders
4. Place of birth? Geelong, Victoria, Australia
5. Favourite food? mangos, chocolate, strawberries
6. Your natural hair colour? brown
7. Have you travelled? Yes, Hong Kong, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Around Australia
8. Do you scrunch or fold toilet paper? Fold
9. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10. Been in a car accident? Yes. Someone else ran a red light and we ran into them.
11. BMW or Mercedes Benz? Not much of a choice really
12. Favourite day of the week? Saturday
13. Favourite Restaurant? Panache
14. Favourite Flower? Frangipani
15. Favourite sport to watch? Swimming
16. Favourite Drink? Water, Hot chocolate, cascade apple and guava YUM!!
17. Favourite ice cream? Chocolate Moose Royal
18. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
19. Favourite fast food restaurant? Sub Way
20. What colour is your bedroom carpet? Hoskins - Wooden Floor
21. How many times you failed your driver’s test? Failed twice, got it 3rd time same day
22. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Beulah
23. Hobbies? Still fiquring that one out
24. Bedtime? 10pm
25. Who of your readers will answer this questionnaire? Probably no-one
26. Who is the person you are most curious to see their answers? Erin
27. What means the most to you? God, Family, Honesty
28. Favourite TV shows? Home and Away, THe Biggest Looser. (Summer TV sucks)
29. Dating males or females? Married!
30. Tall or short? Just Right
31. What is your favourite colour? Pink and Purple
32. How many pets do you have? None
33. Age? 27
34. What would you like to accomplish/do before you die? Serve the Lord to my full compacity every day.

There ya go, I tag anyone who wants to have a go! Let me know in the comments if you are going to have a go.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Candy,
I've done the tag.
You can find it on my blog.
Love, Beth